David & Goliath | Creation to Kings | Episode 13 | Lineage

19 Sep 2020

Continuing our journey through history, we now uncover the story of David and Goliath. One of the most famous battles in all history took place in the valley of Elah, between the Israelites and the Philistines. David versus Goliath, the tables turned completely as David, the underdog, won the battle. This story has motivated many who were faced with circumstances that were overwhelming and its location is something well documented today. Join us on site of the real location where David actually fought and defeated Goliath!

En Español: https://youtu.be/ztkO8EmPYIM

#LineageJourney #CreationToKings #Lineage #KnowYourOrigin #KnowYourMission #KnowYourHistory
